Hi there! I am just new to Marklogic/Xquery and is currently working on a
project where I need to transform the files from an existing database with
millions of xml documents, change each files' document structure while
ingesting it to another database.
So far, I have this transform module:

xquery version "1.0-ml";

module namespace master-person = "http://marklogic.com/ofis/masterperson";;

declare namespace fad = "http://marklogic.com/ofis/fad";;

declare variable $person := /fad:fadperson;

declare function master-person:transform(

  $content as map:map,

  $context as map:map

) as map:map*


 for $docs in fn:collection("fadperson") [1 to 100]

  for $p in fn:doc(fn:base-uri($docs))/fad:fadperson

(:  let $map := map:map() :)

  let $id := $p/fad:id/fn:string()

  let $profile :=

















      map:put($content, "uri", fn:concat("/fadperson/", $id, ".xml"))


      map:put($content, "value", document { $profile })





I also have installed this in my current XDBC server:

xquery version "1.0-ml";
    <options xmlns="xdmp:document-load">

Then I execute this on terminal:
 mlcp.sh copy -mode local -input_host localhost -input_port 8004
-input_username fad-admin -input_password f4d123 -output_host localhost
-output_port 8041 -output_username fad-admin -input_password f4d123
'fadperson' -transform_module /data/transform-person.xqy
-transform_namespace "http://marklogic.com/ofis/masterperson";

the input_port: 8004 = contains the files for transformation;
output_port:8041 = where the transformed files must be ingested

It doesn't output anything. Neither an error is showing up. It reached 100%
complete yet no files loaded to the database.
What am I missing here? Is my transform module code not creating a


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