
You could simply do an OR search for "murd" and "murd?".


2016-08-24 15:38 GMT+02:00 Debin, Infant Jerald (LNG-CON) <

> Hi Team,
> I am analyzing on the wildcard character search supported by ML. Currently
> ML supports ‘*’- zero or more non space character match and ‘?’ - exactly
> one non space character match for wild character search.
> Based on the character index setting, ie. Three character, Two Character
> and One Character the term with the wildcard character will be searched
> accordingly.
> For Ex: I have set for Three character search and I perform search for
> murd*. The index will be set as mur* and urd* and I will get results with
> words that start with murd and urd as well.
> But I want to do a wildcard search which takes zero or one non space
> character match
> For Ex: If I give murd*, it should match for murd or murd(y), or murd(s)
> etc.
> Please let know if there is any option in ML to get the above mentioned
> results.
> Thanks.
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