
For murd?, if Three character search is enabled in ML It will again get indexed 
as mur? And urd? Isn’t it?   So it will be treated as (murd or mur? or urd? ). 
Let me know if my understanding is correct.

What I actually need I don’t want it to get indexed based on characters but I 
still need to search by making use of wild character.

And what I expect if I give murd? It should return results with only murd(one 
nonspace character).

Let me know if this is feasible in ML.


From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
[mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of Andreas Hubmer
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:45 AM
To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Wildcard search in marklogic


You could simply do an OR search for "murd" and "murd?".


2016-08-24 15:38 GMT+02:00 Debin, Infant Jerald (LNG-CON) 
Hi Team,

I am analyzing on the wildcard character search supported by ML. Currently ML 
supports ‘*’- zero or more non space character match and ‘?’ - exactly one non 
space character match for wild character search.

Based on the character index setting, ie. Three character, Two Character and 
One Character the term with the wildcard character will be searched accordingly.

For Ex: I have set for Three character search and I perform search for murd*. 
The index will be set as mur* and urd* and I will get results with words that 
start with murd and urd as well.

But I want to do a wildcard search which takes zero or one non space character 

For Ex: If I give murd*, it should match for murd or murd(y), or murd(s) etc.

Please let know if there is any option in ML to get the above mentioned results.


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Andreas Hubmer
Senior IT Consultant

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