Hi Mark,

Depends on the details of how and why you want this, but Flexible
Replication might be what you're looking for here.


Florent Georges

On 23 September 2016 at 23:41, Mark Shanks wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to find the best way of getting high volumes of data out of
> Marklogic quickly. We have a lot of data in Marklogic, but there are only a
> few fields that we would like to pull out like this. Since there are only a
> few fields, making indexes for them is no problem. We would then like to
> have a query that pulls the relevant fields, e.g., string field, int field,
> double field for the relevant indexes based on restrictions such as a date
> range and another string field being equal to a certain value. What is the
> fastest way to do this? Is it better to do separate queries for each field
> and stream the data from indexes, or do a single query that returns all
> fields? If the latter, identify the different values using xml or json or
> some other format?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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