I am having search options like the following
let $options :=
<options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
    <constraint name="collection">
        <collection prefix=""/>
    <constraint name="concept_name">
            <field name="concept_name" 

And doing the search search:search($q, $options, $start, $page-length)

But the search is not doing case-insensitive. How do I tell in this scenario to 
specify options for a field.. I want it to be case-insensitive

I also specified "collation" both at the field level and in the app-server,  
but still of no use..

When I do cts:field-value-match("concept_name", $q ("case-insensitive", 
"diacritic-insensitive")) , I do get the correct results, so how do I specify 
using the search options like above to do the same.

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