
Has anyone come across a query like this ? Trying to understand what would
happen in here.

<cts:near-query weight="0" distance="1"> <cts:word-query weight="0">
<cts:text xml:lang="en">prop*</cts:text>
*<cts:option>min-occurs=4</cts:option>* </cts:word-query> <cts:word-query
weight="0"> <cts:text xml:lang="en">tax</cts:text>
<cts:option>unstemmed</cts:option> </cts:word-query>
<cts:option>ordered</cts:option> </cts:near-query>

When my near query contains a min-occurs option set how should it behave ?

I thought a document that contains prop* with in a distance of 1 for the
term tax atleast 4 times . But the documents I get for this query are not
like that. Even if the document has single occurrence of the term property
tax are also returned.

Is my understanding correct or am I missing something in here ?

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