== Report of Meeting 2023-12-14 ==

Present:  Art Anger, Ed Gottsman, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

Full transcripts of this meeting are now available on the its wiki page. 

1) Ed reported that he had removed the time slider as it was taking up space 
and it only applied to forum posts. Skip Cave's Quora posts have been added, 
but there is a concern that there are verbs that are included in the solutions 
that are not defined. The solution may be to split the display so that the 
solution is shared with a wiki page that has Skip's definitions on it, possibly 
in an expanded text fashion.
2) Ed also identified the issues that he has had with highlighting buttons in 
Night shift mode which can vary between dark backgrounds and light backgrounds. 
Changing the thickness of the border may be an option because it is not 
affected by Night shift. 
3) Ed is working on creating some navigational ways to show higher dimensional 
arrays. He is not looking at this problem as purely visualization because he 
finds anything above 6 dimensions impossible to visualize. His navigation aid 
is a three dimensional array of boxes that has the dimensions and types of the 
contents. By clicking on a box he can show the contents of that box with a 
breadcrumb display across the top that shows where you are in the navigation of 
the array. He showed an example of a 3 dimensional sliced torus although it did 
not seem to be displayed the way that he expected. With this view it is 
possible to choose any pair of axes to display the rest of the dimensions of 
the array. Raul related this back to his REGEX lab which is working in three 
dimensions and Fourier transforms which are n-rank with each dimension as a 
value of 2. Bob mentioned Grant Sanderson's video on quaternions which has an 
excellent display of 4 dimension space. 
4) Bob mentioned that Chris Burke had contacted him again to express concern 
about the play-doh look of the wiki and the way that it might represent 
Jsoftware inappropriately to some of its clients. The more cartoonish 
navigation is actually independent of the traditional guides. Bob felt that the 
Jsoftware site could link to the guide navigation 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page while other links outside of 
Jsoftware could link to the cartoonish look 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Home.  Raul wondered if the graphics 
could be generated from J code and that might be more acceptable. 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Studio/Gallery A further clarification may need 
to be determined as to the role of the wiki with respect to Jsoftware. This 
resulted in a discussion about the changes that had been made to some of the 
Jsoftware content that had been brought into the wiki. Ed felt there might need 
to be a discussion that clarified the lines of demarcation between J software 
and the wiki. Bob felt that a more corporate approach would be something closer 
to the Announcements page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Announcements_A , but this might not 
be as attractive to new users. The question that remains is how we can best 
serve the audiences that we have in mind, knowing that it may not be possible 
to serve all audiences equally.
For access to previous meeting reports 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Wiki_Development If you would like to 
participate in the development of the J wiki please contact us on the general 
forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J wiki meeting held on 
Thursdays at 23:00 (UTC) Next meeting is December 28, 2023.
For information about J forums see http://www.jsoftware.com/forums.htm

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