You know, irregardless of how mature (or otherwise) Gumpy is in, the other scripts -- and the general commandline usage -- are
terribly immature. Basically, with me not having the ability to do any
worthwhile local runs (behind a modem) I've really just never bothered. [Ok,
I've also been fighting too many maintenance issues, like dodgy characters,
to get to it.]

Gump has all the pieces to do all the things it should (and that Traditional
supported) they just aren't wired that way yet. [They are so close, and I
took another quick whack last week, just not completely there.]:

1) We have GumpRun with lists of (1) 'the specified projects' [if not in
build order], (2) 'the full build sequence for those projects', (3) the
modules containing those projects (4) the sequence or modules.

2) We have GumpRunOptions with switches to control paths we take.

3) We have command line processing that  (now) returns a GumpRunOptions

    --quick (a hack to say 'do list not sequence','use cached')

Basically, we need to flesh out the commandline options and what each should
I think we need a --cache to allow cached descriptors. I think we need
a --text (to ignore forrest, even if it is available), and so on. We
probably ought create a wiki page for command line options.

Anybody interested in taking this on? It'd be a big help.



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