Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Since I have LSD running under 'ajack' as are and, I think we need somebody else's id to run the Apache Python
Gump on moof. This is especially important with me going away next week.

Seems my orig email didn't make it to the list...

what we could also do is create a 'gump' user, and give multiple people the password. Alternatively, we don't give out the password, but add multiple people's keys to the authorized_keys file.

The former has the advantage that you could 'su gump', the latter is probably a little safer.

I don't like the single point of failure we have now at all.

As far as lsd goes, I'm familiar with the setup, and I'm root so I can 'su ajack' all I want. The same goes for Stefano on moof, I think.

I'm also supposed to be catching a train in five mins so I don't have time to change anything over there right now.


- Leo Simons

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