Leo Simons wrote:

being a pragmatist, if I can "apt-get install gump", that would be perfect, regardless of the dependencies. In case you don't know, apt could download all those dependencies before installing gump.

I know that Ant is supposed to be a Java build system but these days it is so powerful that you could easily use it to download everything. Then you would have a two stage bootstrap:

0a    download Java if not available (probably already on the system)
0b    set Java path (probably already set)
0c    download Ant if not available (probably supplied with Java)
0d    set Ant path (probably already set)
1    download bootstrap-gump.xml
2   type "ant -f bootstrap-gump.xml"

You could additionally provide a .jnlp file on the gump website that would do 0c, 0d, 1 and 2 automatically for those that have Java WebStart available.

I understand the rationale of not wanting to using non-Java to build Java projects, but can't see any reason to avoid Java for the installation process. After all, Java needs to be in the tin when we come to build (until (fi*) Gump supports non-java builds) and the whole purpose of Java is that it abstracts away other language and OS differencies. The alternative would seem to be:
support seperate bootstraps for RedHat, Debian, SUSE, Solaris, MacOS X, Windows and so on
write a bootstrap for Gump in python
write a python version of Ant (perhaps only supporting the tags we need to use to bootstrap Gump)


[*1] fi - future tense "if" - is there a proper word for this?

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