> These questions are not straightfoward.


Stepping back, my intention was to to be careful to listen to what folks on
the list say today. I've been hacking away alone for far too long, and want
to ensure that I don't get too comfortable thinking I know what this
community wants/thinks. That said, I did fall into the trap of being too
close to my own view on the world, and hence applied spin I wasn't even

> At the moment, Gump has a nearly hard dependency on the CVS head version
> of a Java project which can't be built by gump.  And the completely
> optional dependency on a completely stable and completely free of
> dependencies "C" program brings up this discussion.  As does the adding
> of some code which will optionally provide version information for java
> in the case where java happens to be installed.

Err, good point. I kinda overlooked that didn't I. ;-)

I guess I still have hope that w'll build forrest via Gump, and so can
bootstrap it.

Still, just for discussion --- it does seem like Forrest (something one has
to install) really grates on folks wanting to install/run Gump. Even the
smart Apache folks on this list seem to baulk at it, and I can understand
that. As such, much as I love what Forrest can do for us (with skins/SVGs,
etc) I do recognize that it might be too heavy for Gump & that Gump really
ought have no manual installation dependencies. I am game to work towards
getting HTML or XHTML or whatever outputs (via Cheetah) and make Forrest

Meaning, I apply the same logic to Forrest as I do the 'timeout' (when I
stop and think about Forrest).

> We each apparently place different weights on different attributes.  All
> other things being equal, yes I would prefer a pure Python solution.
> When things aren't equal, I would tend to yeild first on the language
> before yielding on bootstrappability.

I think bootstrapability is a 'good thing', and since Gump is (eventually,
as some hope) intended to compile more than just Java, maybe languages ought
give first. [Am I reading you right on this? I think so.]

I wonder if we could (strive towards) separating any Java build login (env
vars, compiler commandlines, CLASSPATH?) out into separate classes defining
'Java Building', and allow a peer builder for C. We'd want 'timeout' early
on in the process, so we probably couldn't use ant to build it, but maybe we
can just detect/launch cc or something.



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