Hi guys!

Sorry - but this is a longish email.

I'm starting to entertain some thoughts concerning the integration of gump into a set of custom ant tasks and data types that I'm using to build Avalon. Initially I was thinking about generating gump descriptors - but I'm starting to think that this is the wrong direction and that I should really be looking into task and datatype integration.

What I have in place is a small model that defines a project in terms of dependencies and plug-ins. These description are sufficient to create six different path constructs required to build respective target project.

These path constructs include:

  1. main java compile classpath
  2. unit test classpath
  3. runtime api classpath
  4. runtime spi classpath
  5. runtime implementation classpath
  6. composite runtime (4+5+6)

This information is constructed from a small project descriptor. The following example shows the avalon activation package which is itself a plugin within another package.

    <project basedir="../../runtime/activation/impl">
        <include key="avalon-util-lifecycle"/>
        <include key="avalon-util-i18n"/>
        <include key="avalon-util-defaults"/>
        <include key="avalon-repository-spi"/>
        <include key="avalon-composition-spi"/>
        <include key="avalon-composition-impl"
           build="false" test="true" runtime="false"/>
        <include key="avalon-activation-api"/>
        <include key="avalon-test-components"
           build="false" test="true" runtime="false"/>
        <include key="avalon-test-playground"
           build="false" test="true" runtime="false"/>

In the above example an <include/> element holds a key to another project or external resource definition. For example, 'avalon-util-lifecycle' is the key to another project that contains dependencies on 'avalon-framework-api'. In turn, the framework api definition references the logkit project. Logkit references a bunch of external resources including log4j, servletapi, mailapi and jms.

From the point of view of gump integration - all of the tasks that are used in this build solution use a common project model to establish any of the six principal path definitions. For example, the following java source from a typical task implementation demonstrates how an ant path is constructed:

  ResourceRef ref = new ResourceRef( getKey() );
  Definition definition = getHome().getDefinition( ref );
  Path classpath = definition.getPath( project, Policy.BUILD );

The Definition.getPath(..) method is basically building an ant path based on the xml project descriptor shown above. It seems to me that it would make a lot of sense for implementation of Definition.getPath(..) to link into a small Gump API when resolving the path values.

The essence of the getPath( .. ) method is :

  public Path getPath( Project project, int mode )
      Path path = new Path( project );
      ResourceRef[] refs =
         getResourceRefs( mode, ResourceRef.ANY, true );
      for( int i=0; i<refs.length; i++ )
          ResourceRef ref = refs[i];
          Resource resource = getHome().getResource( ref );
          File file = resource.getArtifact( project );
          path.createPathElement().setLocation( file );
      return path;

From the above - the important lines with respect to Gump integration is the the following:

   Resource resource = getHome().getResource( ref );
   File file = resource.getArtifact( project );
   path.createPathElement().setLocation( file );

Currently, the getArtifact(..) operation pulls in resources from a local cache (backed by a number of repositories) based on resource identifier information include group, resource name and version. My theory is that I should be able to call runtime gump and request the gump artifact for a particular group/name combination.

So - the questions is ... is there a nice small gump API I can build against that would enable the possibility for a totally integrated solution?

Cheers, Steve.


| Magic by Merlin                       |
| Production by Avalon                  |
|                                       |
| http://avalon.apache.org              |

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