On 27-04-2005 00:35, "Adam R. B. Jack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Gump3 start is nicer than Gump2's, I agree. Unfortunately I don't was to
> give up on Python 2.3 nor Microsoft (non-Cygwin), and the Process Group
> stuff is Posix (not even sure if it works on Cygwin).


How bad do you want it? :)

> Hence those lines of
> ugly code are not yet removable. Further, we need to make Gump3 start to
> kill sub-processes after a timeout (say on a spinning Ant build), or at
> least (1) not hang on them indefinately (2) stop them burning CPU if
> spinning.

Question: does it matter if the processes are killed after one our or after
four hours (the end of a run)?

Question 2: do we actually get processes that die so badly they consume
loads of CPU?

Thinking about this more, when those kinds of ugly errors do occur, they're
indeed a problem with the project the command is associated with, and we
should be sending them e-mail. The gump2 code integrates those checks and
does "model painting" with the results. The gump3 code doesn't.

> Basically, I'm in a mindset of (1) keep Gump2 "working & generating build
> results" (even if not pretty) (2) developing  Gump3 much more prettily.


The thing is, when I see a problem with Gump2 that might be easily fixed by
code from Gump3 (most likely code from gump.util as that's 99% independent
of the rest of gump) it sometimes itches a little. Actually doing
"functionality backports" means less disruption during an upgrade and is a
good integration test showing loose coupling.

> As
> such, I hope to (one of these days) take the subprocess stuff and do
> effectively what Gump2 has per child, in Gump3, but do it in a
> clean/subprocess/no-extra-fluff way. Feel free to beat me to it, and/or
> review what I submit.

It'd be great if you could take a look at it! Look for the "stupid lambda
trick" comment. I'm guessing that's where you want to hook in a different
process group, starting the timer soon after. Note though that the rest of
the code will also have to change considerably to support the timeouts.



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