On 13 September 2010 05:11, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2010-09-13, sebb wrote:
>> On 13 September 2010 03:36, Bill Barker <billwbar...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> I thought you had a login account on vmgump.  But anyway:
>> I did have on the previous incarnation.
>> If I have one on the current Gump it's not working for me.
> Do you want one?

If possible, yes, it would be useful to have a login again.

>>>> Is it possible that the test phase is picking up the wrong collections
>>>> jar somehow?
>>> The project commons-collections4 isn't doing an 'install' target, so
>>> shouldn't be overwriting commons-collections.  However the
>>> commons-digester build log shows:
>>> Downloading:
>>> http://localhost:8192/maven2/commons-collections/commons-collections/2.0/commons-collections-2.0.jar
> Even if commons-collections4 builds before digester, mvn will not
> download it but commons-collections built from the 3.x branch because
> collections4 uses org.apache.commons as groupId.
>>>> Is there a way to show the classpath used by Surefire?
>>> Don't know enough about M2 to answer this one.
> FWIU CLASSPATH is completely irrelevant for Surefire.  Surefire uses
> what you specify inside your POM, that's it.

Not sure I follow - does that mean that Gump does not override the
Maven definitions for Surefire?

> This also means you can add/remove whatever you want to/from the
> dependencies of any mvn project, it doesn't make any difference.  The
> only thing that matters is build order.

Commons-scxml-test [1] fails with the same classpath problem
[3],[4],[5], even though collections3 is on the classpath [2]

If the Gump descriptor does not affect Surefire, how can Gump be told
to use the exact same dependencies for both build and test?


> Stefan
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