On 04/08/2010 09:11 AM, Doug Cutting wrote:

I can speak only for ZK but we are hitting on all cylinders from this list. All the process/infra/legal items have long ago been committed. We have strong partnerships with multiple Apache projects (HBase and Solr in particular) and a dedication to "the apache way".

> The only requirement in doubt is diversity.

If you read through the full thread, and not just the snippets Doug pulled, you would see a strong community and commitment to both increasing diversity and gaining TLP status. The hurdle we face today wrt diversity is that while usage is picking up, it's been historically hard for us to gain contributors. This is primarily due to the fact that we have a) highly targeted & complex project, and b) relatively mature project and user base. We are not a new project, where the majority of code is yet to be written. We are working to increase diversity, (again, see the thread for some discussion of this) however it's slow going. Recently we have seen a big upswing in users (twitter, digg, Solr, Cassandra, Neo4j, etc...) due to our efforts at evangelism. The hope is that these new users, along with some new areas for development, would stimulate contributor growth. If you have any ideas or could provide help in this area please feel free to discuss on our dev list.


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