On Feb 11, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:

a) I don't think hod is actually part of any unit tests, so including it would likely only be a burden on the tarball size.

Not true. HOD has python unit tests and is the reason our builds have dependencies on python.

But Allen's point is that I don't recall ever seeing HOD test failures causing the build to fail.

b) The edu community uses this quite extensively, evidenced by the topic coming up on the mailing lists at least once every two months or so and has for years. Can't say that about the other contrib modules other than the schedulers and streaming.

Then they are using old version of Hadoop. AFAICT HOD does not work with 0.20 or beyond.

Out of curiosity, what goes wrong? Clearly nothing major has changed in starting up a mapreduce cluster in a very long time.

c) The community that does use it has even submitted a patch that we've ignored.

Which means the committers of this project gave up on it long ago.

There are also some patches on core Hadoop that have been sitting for a long time, so I don't think that is a valid inference.

I would love to hear some of the people who are using HOD speak up and give us their feedback.

-- Owen

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