Yes, Sanjay. The reason is 'tight coupling'. In fact this was I who
was opposing it - not Nigel. I guess you misread the thread ;)

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 20:25, Sanjay Radia <> wrote:
> On Jan 31, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 23:19, Owen O'Malley <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:
>>>> Now that is launched
>>>> (
>>>> I'd like to start a discussion on moving contrib components out of
>>>> common,
>>>> mapreduce, and hdfs.
>>> The PMC can't "move" code to Apache extras. It can only choose to abandon
>>> code that it doesn't want to support any longer. As a separate action
>>> some
>>> group of developers may create projects in Apache Extras based on the
>>> code
>>> from Hadoop.
>>> Therefore the question is really what if any code Hadoop wants to
>>> abandon.
>>> That is a good question and one that we should ask ourselves
>>> occasionally.
>>> After a quick consideration, my personal list would look like:
>>> failmon
>>> fault injection
>> This is the best way to kill a project as tightly coupled with the
>> core code as fault injection.
>> So, if you really want to kill it - then move it.
> Nigel/Owen did not say "kill it". Folks were simply listing potential
> projects to move out.
> If you feel that it should stay in then simply say so and give the reasons
> -- looks like your reason is "tight coupling".
> sanjay
>>> fuse-dfs
>>> hod
>>> kfs
>>> Also note that pushing code out of Hadoop has a high cost. There are at
>>> least 3 forks of the hadoop-gpl-compression code. That creates a lot of
>>> confusion for the users. A lot of users never go to the work to figure
>>> out
>>> which fork and branch of hadoop-gpl-compression work with the version of
>>> Hadoop they installed.
>>> -- Owen

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