On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
> As Joep said this "...will reduce the effort to take any (set of ) changes
> from development into production." Take it one step further: when your cluster
> is 'assembled' you need to validate it (on top of a concrete OS, etc.); is it
> desirable to follow N-steps process to bring about whatever testing work-load
> you need or you'd prefer to simply do something like:
>    wget http://workloads.internal.mydomain.com/stackValidations/v12.4.pom \
>        && mvn verify
> and check the results later on?

        We need a definition of what 'validate' means.  Is it "does stuff run"? 
 In practice, that's useless.  Even horribly misconfigured grids can usually 
run something at least once. 

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