Todd - this is a great idea and nice list of JIRAs to take care about!
I assume you are leaving 0.22 blockers to more experienced contributors, right?
  Take care,
Konstantin (Cos) Boudnik

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 19:49, Todd Lipcon <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I spent this afternoon looking through JIRA to identify some issues that I
> think would be good for new contributors to try their hand at. In my mind,
> the qualities of such an issue are:
> - fairly straightforward issue to solve (an experienced contributor would be
> able to address it in 30-60 minutes)
> - fairly tight scope (doesn't require understanding of a lot of different
> moving pieces)
> - easy to write a unit test for (so we get new contributors on the right
> path of testing their changes)
> - not likely to be controversial among contributors
> I came up with about 25 of these from looking through the 0.22 and 0.23
> "Affects Version" lists:
> I'd like to encourage others to look through any JIRAs that they think fit
> the bill, and add the same label. Then, we can point new contributors at
> this list of JIRAs -- hopefully this will get them on the right path towards
> understanding our project's workflow and give some nice positive
> reinforcement since they should be easy to review and commit quickly.
> Thanks!
> -Todd
> --
> Todd Lipcon
> Software Engineer, Cloudera

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