On 13/05/11 07:16, Doug Cutting wrote:
Certification semms like mission creep.  Our mission is to produce
open-source software.  If we wish to produce testing software, that
seems fine.  But running a certification program for non-open-source
software seems like a different task.


That said, some stricter definition of public interfaces may be useful for the related projects, as a consistent open source stack is strongly beneficial.

The Hadoop mark should only be used to refer to open-source software
produced by the ASF.  If other folks wish to make factual statements
concerning our software, e.g., that their proprietary software passes
tests that we've created, that may be fine, but I don't think we should
validate those claims by granting certifications to institutions.  That
ventures outside the mission of the ASF.  We are not an accrediting

+1. Apache is not a standards body, except in the form of "de-facto standards defined by working code and their test suite"

What it does have a strict rules about naming. We should formalise them and publish them on the wiki, then whenever some product gets press-released (it's like a beta-release, only earlier in the lifecycle), the vendor can be directed to the page and reminded of the T&Cs of the license and any trade marks.

What does this mean for T-Shirts and Stickers, incidentally?

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