On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Owen O'Malley <omal...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Rottinghuis, Joep 
> <jrottingh...@ebay.com>wrote:
> It does make sense to me to distinguish between the case when a company
>> seeks to benefit from using the Hadoop name for their product and the case
>> when a company uses Hadoop internally with some minor patches.
> If they aren't distributing the version that they use, no one will know or
> care if they have patches applied. Eli is just trying to cloud the real
> issue, which is about distributors and what they call
> their derivative works.

I truly don't see distribution as the relevant issue, in particular I
don't see why the definition of what Hadoop should change on whether
or not you distribute it.

> For example: large company creates a game-show playing appliance and
>> explains that they have used Hadoop for some of the learning tasks. Not
>> allowed if they applied more than 3 patches?
> Of course it is allowed. It is only a question of whether you can distribute
> it to others and call it Hadoop.

So you want IBM to call what they run Hadoop, unless they put it up on
a website in which case they can no longer call it Hadoop. What is the


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