On Jul 13, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Eli Collins wrote:
> In order to support HA in a dot release we'll need to merge in the
> branch for HDFS-1623, but that shouldn't hold up branching for 23.
> Sanjay mentioned this as the summit but I wanted to double check with
> you, you support a dot release of 23 with HA?

        Please don't do this.  0.23 is a MASSIVE change.  Introducing even more 
instability in the form of a new major feature in the middle of a release that 
is bound to be full of problems is not a good idea.   Anyone who runs a 
production system will basically ignore 0.23 because it simply won't be stable 
enough.  (It *always* takes a .1 or .2 or even a .3 before things are actually 
rock solid.)

        I'd much rather see 0.24 have HA than 0.23. 

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