On 10/7/11 3:33 PM, "milind.bhandar...@emc.com"
<milind.bhandar...@emc.com> wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>While I have seen the wiki on which java versions to use currently to run
>Hadoop, I have not seen any discussion about the roadmap of java version
>compatibility with future hadoop versions.
>Recently, Oracle retired the "Operating System Distributor License for
>Java" (DLJ) [http://robilad.livejournal.com/90792.html,
>http://jdk-distros.java.net/] and Linux vendors have started making
>OpenJDK (6/7) as the default java version bundled with their OSs
>[http://www.java7developer.com/blog/?p=361]. Also, all future Java SE
>updates will be delivered through OpenJDK updates project.

For Linux, Oracle will sill provide their version of the JVM available for
download from their site.  Almost all Java SE updates (especially any that
affect Hadoop -- no sound or Swing) have been going through OpenJDK for
You won't be getting the Oracle/Sun JVM directly from your Linux OS
vendor, but it is not going away.  OpenJDK will be the only option that an
OS vendor can use to package Java themselves, but you can freely download
Oracle's version and run it.

>I see that OpenJDK6 (6b20pre) cannot be used to compile hadoop trunk. Has
>anyone tried OpenJDK7 ?
>Additionally, I have a few small projects in mind which can really make
>use of the new (esp I/O) features of Java 7.
>What, if any, timeline do hadoop developers have in mind to make Java 7 as
>required (and tested with OpenJDK 7) ?

I believe you mean when will it be compatible with Java 7, not require it
(based on all you mention above, other than the word 'required').  Is that
the case?
It will take some testing by some with at least medium sized clusters to
be confident that JRE 7 works with Hadoop, but not much else.  The current
release of JRE 7 has some bugs, Oracle's JRE 7 update 2 (there was no
update 1) appears to be very close to release.

>- milind
>Milind Bhandarkar
>Greenplum Labs, EMC
>(Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this email are those of the author, and
>do not necessarily represent the views of any organization, past or
>present, the author might be affiliated with.)

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