Thanks for kindly explaining.
I have seen 3 or 4 new projects go to Jakarta via a letter with specified heading, as speced out on the jakarta pages for new project, which is what I did for Incubator.

In the mean time, if some board member is interested in open source, like I am, let me know, I give up for now.

Re: comunity, there is one, but not on the jakarta mail list. ( is where the list lives)


Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

I told you already.  You have to find an interested and sponsoring member,
build an apache-like community, etc.  Thus far no one is interested.

(Me telling you this is just to be nice, so you don't wonder why you're
being ignored, its not a indication of interest or bandwidth)


On 5/27/03 8:46 PM, "Vic Cekvenich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have been trying to get into incubator.
It can even qualify for Jakarta.

What is the status/process?

Sander Striker wrote:


+1: Jim Jagielski, B.W. Fitzpatrick, Sander Striker, Nicola Ken Barozzi,
  Ken Coar, Paul Hammant

No negative votes.

Tapestry exit Incubator...


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