On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 12:13:12AM +0200, Leo Simons wrote:
> I think you'd wan't some sensible answer to emotions like that, somewhere on
> a prominent webpage. Just so it's easy to tell people, "read this page, it
> explains our views, now stop shouting please".


> I have one actual question: didn't anyone think about it making sense to
> write up some stuff about that before making an announcement on sites like
> slashdot?
> :D <ducks/>

Heh. Various circumstances made it difficult to do that. It certainly would
have been much nicer to roll out with a lot of preparation, but it just
wasn't doable.

The huge amount of interest also caught everybody by surprise. I certainly
didn't expect to see about a hundred people respond in the first day or two.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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