> From: Nicola Ken Barozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I don't understand: what is this incubator doing anyway if all the 
> > projects are incubated somewhere else?
> 1 - votes the projects into Apache after check that all the nitty-gritty
>      stuff has been taken care of

Or does it recommend to another body that
incubation processes have completed sucessfully
and that that body can take on subject to their
own vote.  For example, I don't think the
Incubator can approve a new TLP without the board
voting, but it might recommend to the board that
all necessary activities have been comleted.

Again - I am not convinced that the Incubator
should be the arbiter of what is accepted, but it
definitely should be the guardian of correct

> 2 - serves as a central place to store incubation history and
>      information

+1.  Would be good to formalise.

> 3 - serves as a place where to discuss incubation per se, where
>      shepherds, sponsors and project members can confront


> 4 - serves as a place where to incubate TLP

Serves as a place to incubate anything surely?

> >> People complain about lack of rules, not because there are too many.
> > 
> > Really? who did?
> Everyone. For example Berin Lautenbach and Ted Leung, but you can put 
> basically anyone that asked us for something.

Just to clarify - my issue is not too many or to
few rules, but that I'd like to see the rules
clearly documented so that I can ensure that 
anything I am involved in incubating is doing what
it needs to do.  

I've also worked a long time in large 
organisations, so I have a paranoia around being 
blind-sided by requirements I didn't know existed 
because they weren't documented.  That might be
playing in a little here :>.


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