> From: Stephen McConnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 2:33 PM

>>Stephen McConnell wrote:
> I think the real reason is that I have a lot of scepticism about the 
> successful functioning of the Incubator.  I imaging future scenarios 
> where candidates are keep waiting with little or no feedback while the 
> Incubator PMC debates some highly important and engaging topic, ignoring 
> operational responsibilities.  I imagine a future where a project is 
> left to its own devices because a Shepherd has wondered off into the 
> mountains and the Sponsor is preoccupied with greater things.

And when this happens, we have to stop and ask ourselves if the ASF is
trying to grow too fast IMHO.

I can see that growth is normal.  I'd like to see us keep growing
controlled and for the right reasons, instead of growing because of growth.
This will mean that there is going to be fallout, which is unfortunate,
but not necessarily bad for the ASF.


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