Berin Lautenbach wrote:
> [lots of really good stuff]

The draft seems to be using RFC 2119 (
terminology.  If so, let's please reference the RFC early in the document so
that readers can find the operation definitions (thus establishing common

David noted:
> > As podlings are not yet fully accepted as part of the Apache Software
> > Foundation, any software releases (including code held in publically
> > available CVS) made by Podlings will not be endorsed by the ASF.
> > Podlings in Incubation SHALL NOT perform any releases of software
> > without the explicit approval of the Incubator PMC.
> one possible reading of these two statements is that explicit
> approval of the Incubator PMC is required for any change to code held
> in publicly available CVS.  I doubt that is what anyone intends.

Clearly not the intent.  Nor are we talking about CVS snapshots.

        --- Noel

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