This one time, at band camp, Berin Lautenbach said:

BL>> 2) Identify the PPMC who gets to name this project - and hold them 
BL>> accountable for their decision.
BL>+1.  I think the Incubator PMC is in a kind of unique position.  We are 
BL>trying to ensure that new projects/new committers in new projects are 
BL>working in "The Apache Way".  So for me, the Incubator PMC shouldn't 
BL>actually be voting to make the decision for the incubating project.  It 
BL>should simply be checking that the decision has been made appropriately. 
BL>  If anyone in the PMC vetoes a PPMC decision it should be on the basis 
BL>that the decision does not meet the ASF requirements, not on the basis 
BL>that we do/don't like a name (for example).
BL>Anything else takes the decision away from the project in inubation, and 
BL>I'm not sure I see how that is fostering the Apache way.

IMO, Berin's comments are exactly what I was thinking. 

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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