On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 13:39:24 -0700, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> Could someone aware of its status please add MyFaces to the
> incubator projects section, like the other incubating podlings:
> http://incubator.apache.org/projects/index.html
> http://incubator.apache.org/howtoparticipate.html#Updating+the+site

I updated a local copy of the index.xml, added a myfaces.cwiki page (following the 
template), and updated the site.xml. But I wasn't able to build the site using Forrest 
0.5.1, to be sure it was all done correctly. I'll take another look at it tonite. The 
index.xml and site.xml validate, but I'd like to try and be sure everything hooks up.



* [0]   0.02s  176b    skin/images/menu-right.gif
* [0]   0.03s  52b     skin/images/page.gif
X [0]                       images/apache-incubator-logo.png    BROKEN: 
 (The system cannot find the file specified)
net.sourceforge.chaperon.process.ProcessingException: Unexpected token 
titleitem["!!"], expected tokens: line source bulleteditem numbered1item numbered2item 
numbered3item tabletitleitem link anchor text emitem strongitem codeopenitem : 
 1: 1714


X [0]                       projects/juice.html BROKEN: Unexpected token 
titleitem["!!"], expected tokens: line source bulleteditem numbered1item 
numbered2itemnumbered3item tabletitleitem link anchor text emitem strongitem 
        at org.apache.cocoon.bean.CocoonBean.process(CocoonBean.java:372)

X [0]                       projects/juddi.html BROKEN: Unexpected token 
titleitem["!!"], expected tokens: line source bulleteditem numbered1item 
numbered2itemnumbered3item tabletitleitem link anchor text emitem strongitem 
        at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(Cocoon.java:640)


* [0]   0.02s  43b     skin/images/spacer.gif
Total time: 0 minutes 28 seconds

C:\opt\Forrest\apache-forrest-0.5.1-bin\forrest.build.xml:631: Java returned: 1

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