On 02.02.2005, at 17:26, Martin Marinschek wrote:

- I propose the establishment of such a Prize in the Open Source
movement, from people using and developing Open Source -  for people
developing Open Source, on the base of a yearly vote...
What do all of you think about a project like that? Anyone interested
in the project, would you think it would be good to have that project
hosted at the ASF or would the ASF not be good as possible laureates
can of course also stem from other open source organizations?

Although I like the idea I'm not quite sure if this is something the ASF should host by itself - I'd rather like to see some sort of 'OSS alliance' consisting of *all* the major OSS projects/foundations/representatives (ASF, FSF, Mozilla, OSI, PHP, MySQL, ...); one activity of this alliance could be the proposed OSS Prize.

Btw, there's already ISOCs yearly Postel Award [1] but it is not really OSS-specific:

"Each year, the Internet Society awards the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award at the annual INET conference. The award is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in service to the data communications community."


[1] http://www.isoc.org/awards/

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