I understand compeltely. that's how i got (earned?) my wings. Let's
make this explicit about what we are looking for from a newbie :)

+1 to opening up repo.


On 9/2/05, Erik Abele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 02.09.2005, at 14:45, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> > Sal and Ian from HP expressed interest on [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=webservices-
> > general&m=111901932102075&w=2
> Quoting: "What are the steps for me to get set up w/ admin
> rights for SVN? Once I get set up, I'll read up on how to do basic SVN
> admin tasks, and then try to knock out some of the easier issues in
> JIRA."
> > I gave them the pointers:
> > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=webservices-
> > general&m=111901966108282&w=2
> Quoting: "...There are various readme's in infrastructure SVN. ... In
> your intro
> email, specifically mention that you are on the WS-PMC, want to help
> with mailing lists and SVN and that you can start with the pending
> tasks of migrating stuff off of incubator."
> Dims, come on - this is not the way the ASF works. What would you do
> if someone came to one of the WS dev-lists and asked: "Okay, I'm
> willing to help, give me committership and I'll see where I can help
> out with some commits..." - huh?
> Isn't it rather in the line of: "Hey, I've found a problem and worked
> out a solution, here it is (e.g. a patch), can we integrate that?" -
> same with infra: "hey, i found some SVN issues in Jira. I've set up a
> test repo in my homedir and imported their CVS module, looks good so
> far. Can we integrate that with the live repo and shut down the CVS
> module after the developers confirmed that everything is fine?"
> That's the difference, you know ;-)
> > They started a thread in infra@ mailing list:
> >
> > See the end of the thread, they asked for read-only access to infra
> > stuff to read the FAQ and README's:
> >
> > Then they attempted to ask on #asfinfra for the same permissions to
> > read material and get to know stuff. That's where they were given the
> > brush off.
> There is no real documentation in the infra repo regarding this. It's
> all public: http://apache.org/dev/cvs2svn.html - what do they need to
> resolve these JIRA issues? Can they look at them, think about them
> and then come up with specific requests?
> For example: "Someone is asking for karma for XXX in JIRA; from
> reading the list and the website, I guess he will have to be added to
> the file minotaur:/x1/svn/asf-authorization but I don't have karma to
> do this by myself so here is a patch..." - do that and I promise
> you'll be in in the near future :)
> > Sigh! the SVN module http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/infrastructure/
> > should be at least viewable by committers if you want/expect them to
> > help.
> Sigh! I don't understand why this repository is so important before
> opening up a terminal, ssh'ing to minotaur.apache.org, sitting down
> and looking around?!? That's a mystery to me but so be it and afaiac
> I'd be fine with opening it up since we scrubbed every bit of
> sensitive information in there some time ago...
> Cheers,
> Erik

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/ - Oxygenating The Web Service Platform

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