Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator continues to see good progress in a number of projects and
their communities.

This quarter saw continued development of our communities.  A major and
happy surprise was the resurrection of the ftpserver project from total

One general issue has come up with a certain amount of contention.  What do
we do when we have outside communities and ASF Members who want to establish
a project in some problem domain, and some third party feels that we are
invading their turf.  I have my own view --- even internally, we do little
about inter-project competition, e.g., Ant and Maven --- but we can probably
expect to have this issue come up now and then.

Continued thanks to our manual ForrestBot, David Crossley, for helping to
keep the web site built, and to others contributing their time.

                           - 0 -

The list of projects in the Incubator is at  Here are the STATUS reports from the
PPMCs.  The drafts were collected at  All but WSRP4J
provided a status report.

On a related note, I and other members of the infrastructure team remain
rather displeased that e-mail sent by us to more than a few ASF lists as
necessary to notify them of something bounces because the projects have had
moderated posting disabled for their list(s).  We must correct this problem,
either by adding every ASF Officer, Director and infrastructure team member
to the allowed list for every mailing list, or by requiring moderated lists.

=== Agila ===

 * Moving very slowly, I hope to inject some activity in the upcoming
 * No new recent committers

=== AltRMI ===

Perhaps moving out of Incubator (and Apache). Destined for /archive ?

=== Felix ===
 * Name was changed from Oscar to Felix
 * Mailing list, svn and other resources modified to reflect the name change
 * Accepted contribution from TBennet for maven 2 OSGi plugin
 * Evaluating offer by Domoware to donate Universal plug-and-play OSGi
 * Since inception several people have joined the mailing list
 * Committer involvement and activity needs to improve however this is just
the first quarter
 * [OT] OSGi R4 released at OSGi World Congress

=== FtpServer ===

Much interest and new life.  Rana is back and making changes. Three or four
non-committers are contributing in mind share and patches. Healthy debate on
component architecture reminiscent of traditional Apache conversations.

=== Graffito ===

Lot of work underway :
 * working on JCR mapping for Graffito objects
 * port under way for using Graffito for storing Jetspeed page descriptions
in a Graffito managed repository (effort lead by Jetspeed team)
 * several new names have appeared on mailing-list and start contributing
patches and join the design discussions

We plan to have a Graffito binary bundled with upcoming Jetspeed 2 M4
release (required if PSML integration is complete
for M4)
If community development continues its progress as expected, I think we'll
add couple of new committers this quarter and probably ask for exiting
Incubator early next year.

=== Harmony ===

Project is moving along.  Recent quarter has focused on creating the
contribution and committer process for the project.  The result has been the
creation of an "Authorized Contributor Questionnaire" to allow contributors
to declare what portions of the project codebase they could have problems
working in due to contraints imposed on them through prior work. (For
example, being under NDA to an employer.)  We also have worked out the
process for accepting "bulk contributions", those works that have been
created elsewhere and are being donated to Harmony.  This process builds on
the standard Apache Incubator process - a CCLA or SG is still required and

Other highlights :

 * We have accepted 3 new code contributions
  * Componentization proof of concept
  * "bootVM" a new basic VM nucleus
  * "JCHEVM", a re-licensing of JCVM
 * We have added two new committers
 * We expect to continue to add new committers and new code at an
accelerating rate

=== Jackrabbit ===

The Apache Jackrabbit podling is slowly recovering from the impact of
JSR 170, initializing JSR 283 (the next JCR specification revision EG),
and the summer holiday schedule.  We are in the process of reconfiguring
our source directories for an eventual 1.0 release and Maven 2 support.
No new committers were added this quarter, though we expect more to be
added soon.

=== JDO ===

Project is doing very well.  There is ample activity and I expect that JDO
will be able to graduate from the Incubator in the upcoming quarter.

 * Project has active committers from 4 different companies, and 2 with
unknown affiliation.
 * Project has an active contributor from an unknown affiliation.
 * Project status information is up to date.
 * Project is discussing near-term release of code.

=== JuiCE ===
No signs of life. There is some interest in WSS4J to use parts for the code
with a modified version of Bouncy Castle to speed things up. Let's see the
people involved start contributing.

=== log4net ===
 * Log4net has elected Rob Grabowski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as a new
committer. This brings the number of active committers to 3, helping meet
incubator exit criteria.
 * We have recently migrated from CVS to SVN.
 * We are working towards the next maintenance release  with a focus on code
quality and improving the available end user documentation.

=== log4php ===
 * All reported bugs have been fixed so it's time to prepare the first
stable release.
 * The new php5 version of log4php is ready for the initial import into svn
repository. At first, it will support only a minimal set of functionalities.

=== Lucene ===

The latest release is still 1.4.3.  We are preparing for release of version
1.9.  A LOT of good contributions and patched have been submitted to JIRA
and the lists are increasingly more active.  We/I plan on going through as
many contributions and patches in the coming weeks (October/November),
reviewing and committing them, and then making a release.

=== Lucene4c ===

Not much has happened in the last few months.  Most participants have been
off working on other things.  Considering the lack of interest in the
project recently, we may want to think about closing it down until such time
as developers have the time and energy to turn it into a more useful
product, which seems to be a necessary first step in order to turn it into a
sustainable community.

=== mod_ftp ===

The infrastructure work has been completed: mailing lists and SVN repos have
been requested and created.

The IP clearances for the module codebase have been received and filed, and
the source code has been imported into the mod_ftp SVN repo. Work has
started on changing the build environment to a more "normal" ASF module

=== Roller ===

   * Developed minor Roller 1.3 release and voted to release it
   * Developed major Roller 2.0 release with group blogging an new UI
   * Added new committer Elias Torres
   * Added status page on incubator site:

=== stdcxx ===

Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 9/2005:

This is the first quarterly report for stdcxx.

Since the  inception of  the stdcxx podling  the stdcxx  community has
substantially completed  the migration of  the project from  the Rogue
Wave infrastructure to the  Apache infrastructure. Notably, the source
code   of  the   library,   the  accompanying   utility  programs,   a
comprehensive set of example programs, as well as the complete project
documentation in HTML have been transferred to Subversion.  All source
files  have  been modified  to  reflect  the  Apache license.   A  bug
tracking database has  been created in Jira and  is being actively and
extensively used  to track issues  and tasks. The  appropriate mailing
lists  have been  created. All  new stdcxx  committers  have submitted
their Contributor License Agreements.

In September the stdcxx development community with the approval of the
Incubator PMC published the first  and final snapshot of the initially
contributed sources, labeled version 4.1.2.

At this time  the stdcxx community is working  toward version 4.1.3 of
the project. The goals of this  effort are to migrate the project test
suite from the Rogue Wave test  harness to the new stdcxx test driver,
to complete the transfer of the  tests from the Rogue Wave source code
repository to  Subversion, and to  complete the implementation  of the
configuration  and build  infrastructure for  Microsoft  Windows.  The
estimated time-frame  for reaching  these goals is  the first  half of

The objective of the stdcxx community  for the next quarter is to work
on  further  increasing  the  visibility of  the  project,  attracting
additional   contributors,  and  growing   the  active   community  of
developers around it.

=== Synapse ===

The Synapse project had a F2F meeting in Cupertino, CA to get initial views
on direction and overall relationship to Axis2 etc.. The notes are
[ here]. The community is slowly
starting to discuss stuff and get going in the
mailing list; since its only been a few weeks since the start it will take
more time to get fully functional and effective.

We expect to have a much more interesting report by the next F2F.

=== TSIK ===

While the TSIK project has not gained momentum as quickly as initially
hoped, there has been some usable interaction with on how to
modularize TSIK, to both break out components for potential common use, as
well as reuse existing ASF code (SOAP messaging stack, for example).

The next few months will be crucial for TSIK. There is increasing interest
in various types of identity protocols -- federated or not -- and how they
are usable within web services (see TSIK road map for further discussion).
This could be an area where TSIK could be a driving force.

=== Woden ===

We posted a Woden milestone plan in September covering M1 at end-Sept
through to M5 in Jan 2006. Completion of the initial project objective, full
WSDL 2.0 functionality, is targetted for M4 end-Nov. M1 was release on Mon 3
Oct and included most but not all of the planned scopd. M3 and M4 will be
busy periods. M5 and future plans will emerge as we approach M4 and start
thinking about other Woden objectives like WSDL 1.1 conversion and StAX XML
parsing for the Axis community. We are using the woden-dev mailing list for
communication and discussion and recently held our first conference call -
although not all participants could make the call, it helped confirm the
Milestone plan and resolve some technical issues. Most of the development is
currently being done by 2 committers and this may continue up to M3/M4, by
which time we will have a suitable base for others to start building on.

=== WSRP4J ===


However, Santiago Gala provided a report to the Board last month as part of
the Portals quarterly report
[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  From what I can see on the mail
archives, essentially nothing has happened since.

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