I'd say after X months (6? 12?), there should be a VOTE on incubator
PMC whether to continue that project or not.


On 12/22/05, Rich Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please forgive if this has been discussed in the past. I respond very
> well to "go look in the archives" responses. However, since folks'
> attention seems to be pointed this way, I thought I'd ask.
> As I look through the list of projects in the incubator, trying to
> figure out where I can be useful, I notice several projects that have
> been in the incubator for a LONG time.
> Which got me thinking ... is there a graceful exit option? I see on the
> list that one project is listed as a "Failed incubation", which seems
> really harsh. Is there an option for "You're very nice, but you just
> don't fit at the ASF"? Or is it assumed that the two options are
> "Graduate" and "Keep trying."
> If a project has been in the incubator for more than 2 years, isn't it a
> safe assumption that they're not moving along very well, and we need to
> cut them loose and let them get on with their lives?
> Perhaps, as long as we're talking of establishing limits, there needs to
> be a time deadline as well. Say, if you don't graduate in X TimeUnits
> (12 months? 24 months?) then we need to find a way to gracefully say,
> this isn't going to work out. It's a disservice to the project to keep
> them hanging if there's no real progress. It's a disservice to the
> infrastructure to keep them incubating if they're never going to hatch.
> This isn't necessarily failure. There are a lot of good projects that
> just don't fit here. It's not a condemnation.
> --
> Rich Bowen
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