On Jan 5, 2006, at 1:38 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

Martin Cooper wrote:
On 1/4/06, Sanjiva Weerawarana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So .. amidst all of our soul searching .. what'd we decide to do with the Ajax proposal from IBM et al.?? Did I miss the vote and decision??
I don't believe there is a sponsoring PMC at this point.

Once we have had a chance to digest all the input and finish dotting the I's and crossing the T's from a legal perspective, Adam or I will come back to ask for a vote.

Personally, I would prefer that the ASF not accept _any_ AJAX framework at this point in time. The area is relatively new and in a great deal of flux right now, and "crowning" one of them with the ASF brand will create a de facto standard instead of letting the market decide, whether we like it or
I realise that the Incubator doesn't work that way, though, and that plenty of people don't seem to care / mind that we'd create a (premature, IMHO) de
facto standard, but I can always hope. ;-)

Sanjiva and I have experience with Apache SOAP. Two rewrites later, and there is a thriving community working on Apache Axis2.

The goal here is not to "crown" anything, but to provide the grain of sand that will lead to the production of a pearl.

I am a big +1 on the ASF getting "involved" with AJAX.

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