
* There is no proposal in this email nor a URL reference to one. It
  looks like an attachment was stripped or something. Attachments suck.

* it should have a different name from "AJAX toolkit" (and someone
  should update whatever docs we have to note that projects should have
  distinctive names). IIRC someone mentioned that already before.

So ehm, phrased a little differently...

* could we get a diff between the original and the revised proposal?

* where is the revised proposal?

* some work to do still, one easily spotted, might be others? This feels
  like yet another warning sign that makes me just a tad uncomfortable...

Yes, I'm being lazy. I sometimes get like that when I have just 72 hours
to respond and thousands of emails in a backlog :-)


PS: And Ross, dude, you're just talking to a bunch of hackers, "to whom it
may concern" is a phrase that actually gets .5 points from my spamassassin
filter :-)

On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 08:42:17PM -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:
> The discussion has died down, and the time has come to call for a VOTE 
> to see if the incubator wants to sponsor and accept this proposal for 
> incubation.
> Recap:
>  * This has been scaled back - no umbrella or Eclipse plugins here.
>    If accepted, it will be entirely up to the ASF to determine how
>    this will evolve.
>  * This is not meant to be exlusive - other related efforts are
>    welcome to merge or continue separately.  Furthermore, no ASF
>    projects will be coerced into using this code.
>  * This is to be evaluted for acceptance into incubation, not against
>    criteria for exiting incubator.  I've intentionally counciled for
>    this proposal to present a realistic assessment of the current state,
>    so everybody can best determine how to focus incubation efforts.
> It is customary to allow at least 72 hours for a vote, so lets see if
> we can get all votes in by 11:59pm PST on Thursday, Jan 19th.
> My vote: +1
> - Sam Ruby
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: AJAX Toolkit Proposal - Updated
> Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 23:07:00 -0800 (PST)
> From: Ross Dargahi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: general@incubator.apache.org
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> To whom it may concern:
> Enclosed please find a revised contribution proposal for the Ajax 
> Toolkit which takes into account the principal feedback that we have 
> received to date. We welcome a further dialog on the merits of this 
> submission.
> Thank you for your consideration.
> Regards
> Ross
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