Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Is this becoming the current de-facto process, posting to a wiki?  (or
> "@)#!)#@ wiki", as I tend to think of them...)
> Can we please have things go to the mail list, as that should be the
> 'primary institutional memory' of the incubator community.  Feel free to
> also have on a wiki for collaboration to get it done, but after that,
> the final proposal should, IMO, go to the mail list.

Please provide a patch to the Incubator documentation saying how things
ought to work, then.  In order to give the OFBiz guys something to start
with, I created a document with OpenOffice, the final, reworked version
of which you can read as an attachment to David E. Jones' email at the
root of this thread. However, I was actually under the impression
(seeing that everyone else had done so) that the wiki was the place to
leave this sort of thing, so I wiki-ized it.

David (Jones) - can you add J. Aaron Farr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as a mentor
to the document, and change the sponsor to the Incubator PMC?

David N. Welton

Linux, Open Source Consulting

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