On Jan 19, 2006, at 12:36 AM, Raphaël Luta wrote:

We're doing loops here. My point in this thread  is that initial code
quality does matter in a code grant incubation because it is often
burdened by backward compatibility with existing applications and
thus major restructure may require a revolution which can hardly
safely happen in the early months of the project open-source life.

And all those points are wrong.  There is no burden of backward
compatibility because it must be an entirely new product -- all
of the names change anyway.  A major restructure is a good idea;
that is, after all, why we founded Apache as a project to replace
NCSA httpd 1.3R, which was replaced by Shambhala within 6 months.
And it certainly doesn't have to happen "safely" -- the project is
going to be shooting for TLP status, which means about a year or more
under incubation before it can even do real releases, and the more
hard decisions the group has to make (in public), the better they
will learn how to collaborate.

Honestly, once the name is changed to something neutral like Kabuki,
none of your objections make any sense.  Especially the ones about
code quality, since most of our projects started with code that
needed a serious re-arch almost immediately.  I would love to see
three or four different ajax toolkits under the ASF, each with
its own architectural focus, and let them compete for developers,
but we can only approve one podling at a time.

Meanwhile, I do think that any proposal to the Incubator needs at
least three active Apache committers involved, preferably members
that are willing to do infrastructure tasks.  Incubator podlings
are seriously infrastructure dependent and the existing volunteers
are already tapped-out.

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