
The following is a new project incubation proposal. We welcome your
feedback and would like to extend a invitation for participation
including mentors.

The proposal is also located at

The initial source for the project is available at:

Thank you,

- James M Snell


= ARI, an Atom Reference Implementation Proposal =

== 0. Rationale ==

The fundamental goal of ARI is to provide a high-quality and
functionally-complete reference implementation of the Atom Syndication
Format (RFC4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol specifications
published by the IETF Atompub working group.

== 0.1 Criteria ==

=== Meritocracy: ===

Apache was chosen for an incubator for the guidance the community can

=== Community: ===

The contributed work was inspired by open source development and by the
need to have functionally complete implementations of the Atom
specifications available for developers to use.  To be successful, the
project needs to build a strong and diverse community to validate its
mission and carry it forward. Further, the project needs to be guided by
the same general principles of open and transparent development that has
helped to shape the standards upon which the project is based.

=== Core Developers: ===

The initial committers for the project are employees of the donating
company. Two of the developers have worked on open source projects
before and have experience with and a deep understanding of open source

=== Alignment: ===

The initial code has been implemented in Java and is based primarily on
the same Apache Axiom / StAX XML parsing API that underpins the Apache
Axis2 project.  As such, the implementations draws heavily on the work
of other existing Apache projects and will continue to do so.

== 0.2 Warning signs ==

=== Orphaned products: ===

The initial committers are users of this toolkit and have a long-term
interest in use and maintenance of the code.

=== Inexperience with open source: ===

Several of the commiters are very experienced in Open Source
environment. All efforts have and will be made to ensure that the work
done and momentum will be in strict adherence to open source guidelines.

=== Homogenous developers: ===

As noted above, the initial list of developers consists of paid
employees of the donating company.  However, efforts will be made to
actively expand the team of developers committing to the project.

The current list of committers bring with them a broad range of
experiences with open source, standards, emerging technologies, and
product development.

=== Reliance on salaried developers: ===

The initial set of committers are salaried developers. Through the
incubation process, more diversity will hopefully be achieved in many
aspects, including reliance on salaried developers.

=== No ties to other Apache products: ===

The initial codebase relies heavily on existing Apache technologies and
will continue to do so.

=== A fascination with the Apache brand: ===

The committers are intent on developing a strong open source community.
We believe that the Apache Software Foundation's emphasis on community
development makes it the most suitable choice.

== 1. Scope of the subprojects ==

The initial scope of the project will be the development of a
Java-language reference implementation of the Atom Syndication Format
and Atom Publishing Protocol specifications, along with a selection of
extensions and utility functions.  It is expected, however, that C/C++
and possibly other language implementations will be explored in the

The Atom Syndication Format implementation will include a
high-performance parser and serializer for Atom documents, a set of
API's for working with the Atom data model, support for a variety of
extensions to the Atom format, and support for various advanced features
such as XPath, XML Digital Signatures, Feed paging, etc.

The Atom Publishing Protocol implementation will include both client and
server implementations designed with the dual purpose of demonstrating
the proper function of the protocol and providing the tools necessary to
build and deploy Atom Publishing-based applications.

== 2. Initial source ==

The initial source for the ARI project was originally written to address
the needs of the donating company's own internal Atom development
activities.  A snapshot of the initial source is available at

== 2.1 External Dependencies of the project ==

The current ARI implemenation depends on the following components:

 * Apache Axiom 1.0
 * The Woodstox XML Parser
 * Java Activation Framework (JAF) and JavaMail API
 * Jaxen (optional for XPath support)
 * Junit (for unit testing)
 * Apache Ant (for the build)

== 3. Identify the ASF resources to be created ==

== 3.1 mailing list(s) ==

 * ari-ppmc (moderated subscriptions)
 * ari-dev
 * ari-commits
 * ari-user

== 3.2 Subversion repository ==

 * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ari

== 3.3 Bugzilla ==

 * ARI

== 4. Identify the initial set of committers: ==

 * James M Snell (IBM)
 * Sam Ruby (IBM)
 * Robert Yates (IBM)

== 5. Identify Apache sponsoring individual ==

We request that the Apache Incubator PMC sponsor the ARI as an
incubating project.

Champion: Sam Ruby



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