
Please bear with me. As a mentor for Tuscany, i am struggling with
same kind of issues with SCA. Namely access to the spec, access to
influence the spec and moving the spec to an external
organization....So let's see if we can derive any lessons learned from
our experience.

IANAL, Is there an assurance in the license that all *future* revs to
the spec will have the same license? If not how can an Apache project
be sure that it can track the spec?

Let's say it goes to OASIS, then the spec is "donated" to OASIS and
goes under the current IP regime for OASIS which has no guarantee that
the future revs to the spec will be implementable in open source. Do
you see it differently?


On 7/19/06, Carl Trieloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This worries me - accepting an implementation whose specification does
not yet have a defined license or containing standards body. Maybe
we've done it before though.

This is not true - AMQP has a well defined license and it is posted in
the spec, and you can implement
the specification freely - without strings.

On the topic of  - at which standards body it will land at, why is that
a concern, as the license of
the specification is well defined no matter where it goes


Henri Yandell wrote:
> On 7/18/06, Carl Trieloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for the comments - I will be brief and then we can have follow up
>> exchange as required. comments in-line.
>> Brian McCallister wrote:
>> > Comments in line:
>> >
>> > On Jul 17, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
>> >
>> >> == Interactions with the specifications ==
>> >> The specification is being developed by group of companies, under a
>> >> contract that requires the resulting work to be published to a
>> >> standards body.
>> >
>> > Which standards body? What licensing terms apply to the spec?
>> The body has not been selected yet, this will be decided by the group
>> working on the Spec. It will be one of the common suspects. This
>> group is set up very similar to Tuscany / SCA setup with some key
>> differences which I will highlight a few in the other answers.
> This worries me - accepting an implementation whose specification does
> not yet have a defined license or containing standards body. Maybe
> we've done it before though.
> Afaik, and I know little, I thought there were bodies whose rules were
> such that we didn't want to work with them. Does that stop us wanting
> to do implementations?
> Hen

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