Ian Holsman wrote:

> should the podlings have a say on who gets to mentor them?
> for example I could become a mentor of Blaize (I actually like the
> project) but shouldn't the proposer have a say ?

If you accept that a Mentor is just a name for an Incubator PMC member who
is active in the project community --- and what else does it mean,
really --- then the answer is no.  All Incubator projects are governed by
the Incubator PMC, and only the ASF Board (in a somewhat tenuous use of the
word "establish", but we all accept that interpretation of 6.3 as
operational) determines whom is on that roster.

So, no, projects do not get to determine their own oversight.  They haven't
earned that right, and won't until and unless they graduate to TLP status.

But in terms of the leadership, or even respect, facet of Mentor semantics,
Mentors do not become leaders by fiat.  They have to earn it and maintain

        --- Noel

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