On 7/26/06, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Don! Thanks Upayavira, Alexa, Sylvain, Timothy and the others
that have officially or unofficially championed Wicket. We hope that
Wicket will make a valuable addition to Apache, and we are looking
forward to get to know you guys better when we would be part of the
Apache family.

At great big +1 from me with respect to Wicket coming to the ASF.  A dream
of mine for about a year now.  Proposal looks good.  As a user of Wicket in
my own productions systems, I understand the team's concern with continued
maintenance support of the 1.2 and 1.3 codebases while incubating.  I'm sure
an appropriate strategy that is in the best interest of Wicket's
user/customer base and in the best interest of ASF practices and policies
can be discerned.

Welcome Eelco, Martijn, Igor, and the rest of the Wicket crew!

timothy bennett

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