i think in general it works out well. we formulate and refine ideas on irc
for a couple of hours and then post a summary to the devel list. after a few
hours of real time communication the idea is usually flashed out enough to
be a good base for a longer/slower-paced discussion on the list.

I second that. Usually about half of the developers are on the chat
channel. Furthermore, we don't have to officially (via votes/ list)
agree on every little issue. For things like fixing smaller bugs,
working on new components, brainstorming etc, IRC works really well.
In the year or so we are using it we definitively sped up our
development pace, are better able to support our users, and imo got a
more community feel in general. And like Igor said, it reduces the
noise on the mailing lists as we generally fleshed out our ideas/
proposals better before sending them in.

Did that sound like I am trying to sell something? ;)


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