On 9 Aug 06, at 9:06 PM 9 Aug 06, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Craig L Russell wrote:
Has anyone ever considered making IRC chats available (on some basis) as an Apache archive? Seems that Apache (myself included) doesn't like IRC so much because it is not available to those of us who because of time
zone or other reasons can't attend.

No - mostly because IRC CANNOT BE USED to make project decisions.

It's lovely for beating down a problem, kicking around ideas, but those ideas MUST COME BACK TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] Decisions themselves must be made on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's the responsibility of the project participants to grab any useful
log thread, forward it on to the dev@ list to get people thinking and

Automatically capturing IRC logs undermines this responsibility and harms
the project (for exactly the reasons you point out above).

How does automatically capturing the logs undermine anything. It is convenient to point at threads of discussion in IRC and even though summaries can be provided there's nothing like reading the source material. Just as we often summarize threads on [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's still nice to go back to the archives and read over the messages.

We keep our messages here:


And I think they are pretty handy and provide the source material for any summaries. Good evidence of how this works in practice is #cxf where the XFire and Celtix folks have been chatting about ideas and then you see the summary on the mailing list. If you want to go see the IRC log in question you can:


I think accountability is actually promoted by logging the channel because if people notice the logs continually growing with no corresponding chatter on the mailing lists then you can identify a problem. If you the channels aren't logged you're never going to know and it probably wouldn't be because a group intentionally trying to undermine the standard channels of communication, it would probably just be habit. You could point at the log and give a gentle nudge to push the discussion to the mailing list.

I personally don't see any downside to logging the channels.

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Jason van Zyl

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