Ian Holsman wrote:
Hi Thilo
your explanation attracted me ;-)

is UIMA just the interface specification only ? (ie to produce a standard in the unstructured text-processing world so that other people can plug and play)
or does UIMA also provide tools for each component?

Hi Ian,

the main focus of UIMA is on the framework, to provide a basis for others to plug-n-play. We do also provide tooling to create new components. There are some sample components as well that we provide as part of the documentation.

However, we recognize that an empty framework without any content is not very attractive to new users. That's one of the reasons why our proposal talks about creating something similar to the Lucene sandbox for UIMA: a place where actual components are developed. (The main reason of course is to foster a community of UIMA users and create a place where Apache-licensed components can be developed and downloaded.)

I'm interested, and time permitting, could help as a mentor .. I'm not a java expert (compared to others on this list), or a text processing expert, but I know
a bit about the processes around the incubator.

Great! We welcome all the help we can get. I've been lurking on the general incubator list for a couple of months now, and I have to admit that the whole process looks a bit daunting to a newbie like me :-) I get the impression that mentors are absolutely essential to the incubator, and that you can't have too many.


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