On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 12:34:10PM -0400, Daniel Kulp wrote:
> So Felix never had a release?

Well it had releases when it was called "oscar" and at sourceforge...

>   I'm not an incubator PMC and thus my vote 
> doesn't count, but that would raise a red-flag to me.    A LOT of Apache 
> issues are usually worked out during the release process.

Its more like a "yellow" one. It could mean that its really crappy software
that should be stricken from the face of the earth, or it could mean that
there is some kind of plan in place. There's definitely not an "exit
criteria requirement "on the checklist for graduation about "having done a

Since some versions of the incubator policy sorta discourage(d) releases from
incubation, its not surprising to see some podlings chosing not to do any of

Reviewing a couple of months of mailing list traffic, it seems to me that
the felix community is aware of what they need to do to publish a release
"properly". Sort-of aware, at least.

Most importantly, it seems that proper legal actions were taken for all the
different external contributions that the project received, everything is
actually under the right licenses, and the PPMC is taking an active role in
reviewing this.

So I'm not immediately *too* fussed, really.

> For example, I don't see anything in your build system that would add the 
> required LICENSE and NOTICE files to each of the Jars.


> There are other "little" things like the top level readme not stating it's an 
> incubator project, no top level LICENSE/NOTICE things, version numbers not 
> reflecting incubator status, etc...

Yup. If they'd run 'mvn release' today and then would ask the incubator PMC for
a relase they'd probably get asked to fix some things.

> IMO, there is a lot of "cleanup" that occurs during the release process in 
> the 
> incubator that is an important part of getting the project ready for 
> graduation.

Its certainly important stuff, but its fine if *some* of it happens under the
auspices of a PMC seperate from the incubator one. What I understand from the
mailing list archives is that they've basically started building the website
and the like a few weeks ago with the idea "we'll have graduated soon and then
we'll publish those docs", so I can understand how it doesn't have all the
right incubation boilerplate. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be there of course, but
Having the legal i's dotted is more important.


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