The name UIMA has built up some amount of name recognition in the community where it is being adopted, so there's some advantage to not changing it. It also has an advantage of being rather short. For our project files currently on SourceForge, we used as a naming root "uimaj" - the "j" being appended to indicate the "Java" version of the framework. We also have a "C++" enablement layer, which is part of what we'll be bringing into the incubator. These we currently manage as 2 independent but coordinated projects, from a release standpoint.

Over time, we might see other implementations of the UIMA framework, in other languages (C# / .net for instance).

To start, my sense is to try and keep things simple, and have one project, under one name - but thinking ahead, it's nice if that can change when and if needed into some kind of a small hierarchy of related projects, with related names.

-Marshall Schor

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