On 7/16/07, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
there's an argument that this material would be better in the main
apache site. i recommend checking with community.

Hmm, the transferring resources and establishing a tlp is not
something that happens often in the community aiui. If it is, then we
need a creating tlp guide in community, and refer to that from the
graduation guide. There really is no need to keep repeating ourselves

Given the following usecases:
- graduate from incubator to sub project
- graduate from incubator to tlp
- become tlp from existing sub project
- change Chair

there is quite an overlap between the usecases.

I do think that the community docs could need an overhaul, because
there's a lot of duplication, at least when I was trying to upload a
release to the mirroring system. I doubt it is any different in other

Given that I'm currently only able to act on the incubator docs, I'd
like to change those first (one battle at a time).


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