On 9/18/07, Doug Cutting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Garrett Rooney wrote:
> > Is there any particular reason you want this podling to be sponsored
> > by the Incubator PMC (which is generally done for projects that intend
> > to turn into their own top level project) rather than having it
> > sponsored by the Lucene PMC (where Hadoop currently resides)?  It
> > seems to me that the close relationship between Pig and Hadoop implies
> > that they very well might best be served under the same roof.
> The existing contributor base is largely disjoint from the Hadoop
> contributor base, and they expect that to mostly remain the case.
> Nigel, Owen & I, Hadoop committers, will mostly just help the Pig crew
> out with Apache ways, and don't expect to become significant
> contributors to Pig.  Pig builds on Hadoop, and the communities may
> overlap a bit, but, to the primary folks involved, it feels like a
> separate community and they'd prefer to aim for a TLP.

Well, it seems a little odd to me (if anything it seems like a new TLP
associated with hadoop and generic distributed computing tools like
pig that are built on top of hadoop seems like it would make more
sense than just a pig TLP), but if that's what the people involved
want I don't see anything wrong with it.  I mean it's not like a
decision on a final home for the project has to happen now anyway.

In any event, +1 from me, this is a neat project and I'd be happy to
see it here.


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