On 10/13/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/13/07, Robert Burrell Donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> So bringing together all the comments so far gives something like:
> ...establish a Project Management Committee charged with the
> creation and maintenance of open-source software that simplifies
> the development, deployment and management of distributed
> applications composed of independently acting, loosely coupled,
> linguistically hetrogenous components connected using any of a
> wide range of communication technologies. This software will implement
> relevant open standards including, but not limited to, standards defined
> by the OASIS OpenCSA group, for distribution at no charge to the public.

the concatination makes last sentence is a little ambiguous. might be
better to either start another sentence

> This software will implement
> relevant open standards including, but not limited to, standards defined
> by the OASIS OpenCSA group. This software will be distribution at no charge 
> to the public.

or move the phrase next to open source:

> ...establish a Project Management Committee charged with the
> creation and maintenance of open-source software for distribution at no 
> charge to the public

maybe someone on the board could jump with guideance

- robert

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